Bar Design

Blender, Quixel Mixer

This project was a section of the overall Kitchen design and consisted of building a bar from scratch, testing different layouts and getting sizing correct

The making of the Bar - Youtube

Creating the base scene

For the main structure of the bar i used a combination of low poly cylinders and cubes to get the basic layout before moving to higher quality (high poly) objects. I used spheres to act as ball joints for the brass poles to connect together. Everything is set to perfect scale to match with the kitchen

Filling out the scene

To fill out the scene i added various bottle types and wine glasses to make the bar feel much more ‘full’ and less empty. This also brings across the point of it actually being a bar and not just a shelf

Untextured view of bottles and glasses set up in the bar

Adding further detail

To add detail and make it feel much more photorealistic i used procedural materials and displacement modelling to make objects feel more natural so that they fit in more naturally. I also added small objects in such as prongs that hold the wine glasses upside down (even though it is barely visible in the render)

Shot of the prongs under the shelf

I also created textured standard glasses to make them feel more fancy and luxury compared to just a smooth drinking glass.

Creating a textured glass using procedural materials

Prep for rendering

Before rendering I set up the remaining materials that needed to be added, such as a brass material that shows up in most of the scene. I made sure to set up the camera in a way that shows off the whole scene, I found the only decent way to do this was by doing a portrait shot as it is a very vertical scene

Final untextured render for checking placements of objects

Final Render

I set up the final render camera position (which i could crop for landscape and portrait) and rendered my final image in Blender. The end product is a highly detailed photoreal image with a hyper realistic look.

Final render, 4000 samples & Colour graded in Adobe lightroom

Charlie Design

Made with ❤️ by Charlie